To protect your account from unwanted 3rd party access, we recommend all users enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
2FA will be required if you plan on changing your username.
For the purpose of this tutorial we will be using Google Authenticator which is available for both Android and Apple Devices from the URL's below:
Play Store (Android Devices)
App Store (Apple Devices)
Go to your channel security page:
Click the Enable 2FA button
Scan the QR code or type in the code to Google Authenticator
Click Continue Setup
Enter the 6-digit code from Google Authenticator
Click Continue Setup
🎉 Your account is now protected by Two Factor Authentication
How to remove 2FA from your Kick account
If you wish to remove Two Factor Authentication from your Kick account please perform the following steps:
Go to your channel security page:
Click Remove 2FA
Click Yes, I'm Sure
2FA has now been removed from your Kick account.
Frequently Asked Questions
We have prepared some frequently asked questions relating to 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) below.
My code is saying it's invalid?
Please ensure the date & time are accurate on the device generating the 2FA codes
Codes are generated every 60 seconds, please ensure the code you are typing is the same code as currently displayed in your authenticator.
Do I need 2FA enabled to change my username?
Yes, if you wish to change your username, 2FA must be enabled in your account.
I no longer have access to my 2FA device
Please email [email protected] from the email address associated with your Kick account where we can remove 2FA for you.